The first experience of the ukrainian uroflowmeter «Flow-KM» application for home uroflowmetryc monitoring


  • A.E. Kviatkovskiy MI “Dnipropetrovsk hospital № 9”, Ukraine
  • E.A. Kviatkovskiy MI “Dnipropetrovsk hospital № 9”, Ukraine
  • T.A. Kvyatkovskaya SI “Dnipropetrovsk medical academy MOH of Ukraine”, Ukraine



uroflometry, home urofloumetry monitoring, lower urinary tract symptoms, silodosin


Clinical results investigations of the Ukrainian uroflowmeter “Flow-KM” for a home urofloumetry monitoring of patients with lower urinary tract symptoms are presented in this paper. The apparatus has been developed A.E. Kvyatkovsky (2014). Thirty two patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia, prostate sclerosis, prostatitis, urethral stricture have been examined. The home urofloumetry monitoring eliminates the office stress impact during the uroflowmetry and allows to get the data as close as possible to real ones. The home monitoring is an evidence-based medicine diagnostic method of lower urinary tract urodynamics evaluation for several days and can detect hidden or circadian violations of urodynamics. Its application for the pharmacological tests conducting permits to evaluate the intensity and duration of drugs action. It helps to develop a drug therapy plan and to evaluate its effectiveness after treatment. The uroflowmeter “Flow-KM” is an accurate and reliable apparatus which permits urofloumetry monitoring.


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