Oleksiy Mints

State Higher Educational Institution «Pryazovskyi State Technical University», Dnipro, Ukraine.

DSc, Professor

Department of Finance and Banking, Head of the Department

ScopusID: 57210994337

Web of Science ResearcherID: D-8302-2018

Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?&user=fWFYp4YAAAAJ

ORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0002-8032-005X

TOP-5 publications:

  1. Мінц, О. (2017) Методологія моделювання інноваційних інтелектуальних систем прийняття рішень в економіці = Methodology of modeling innovative intelligent decision-making systems in economics: monography. Маріуполь : ПДТУ, 2017. – 214 с. ISBN 978-966-604-202-9
  2. Минц, А., Лысенко, Ю., Стасюк, В. (2002). Поиск эффективных решений в экономических задачах = Search for effective solutions to economic problems. Донецк: ДонНУ, 101 c.
  3. Mints, A., Marhasova, V., Hlukha, H., Kurok, R., Kolodizieva, T. (2019). Analysis of the stability factors of Ukrainian banks during the 2014–2017 systemic crisis using the Kohonen self-organizing neural networks. Banks and Bank Systems, 14(3), 86-98. http://dx.doi.org/10.21511/bbs.14(3).2019.08
  1. Mints, A., Kolodiziev, O., Sidelov, P., Pleskun, I., Lozynska, O. (2020) Automatic machine learning algorithms for fraud detection in digital payment systems. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies. 2020, Vol 5, No 9 (107), p 14–26. ISSN:1729-3774. https://doi.org/10.15587/1729-4061.2020.212830  
  2. Mints, A. (2017) Classification tasks of data mining and data processing in economy. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies / Riga: Izdevnieciba “Baltija Publishing”. Vol. 3, № 3, p. 47-52. ISSN: 2256-0742.  https://doi.org/10.30525/2256-0742/2017-3-3-47-52   

NEW-5 publications:

  1. Mints, A., Kolodiziev, O., Sidelov, P., Pleskun, I., Lozynska, O. (2020) Automatic machine learning algorithms for fraud detection in digital payment systems. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies. 2020, Vol 5, No 9 (107), p 14–26. ISSN:1729-3774. https://doi.org/10.15587/1729-4061.2020.212830 
  2. Mints, A., Schumann, A., Kamyshnykova, E. (2020) Stakeholders’ rank of reflexion diagnostics in a corporate social responsibility system. Economic Annals-XXI. Vol. 181, No. 1-2. Р. 92-104.  ISSN 1728-6220. https://doi.org/10.21003/ea.V181-08 
  1. Mints, A., Kamyshnykova, E. (2021) Fuzzy methods of stakeholder prioritisation in the context of stakeholder management . International Journal of Learning and Change, Vol. 13, Nos. 4/5, p. 372-398, ISSN: 1740-2875, http://dx.doi.org/10.1504/IJLC.2021.116673
  2. Khadzhynova O., Simanaviciene Z., Mints O., Burak P., Khachatrian V. (2022) Assessment of the EU Countries’ Economic Security based on the Composite Indicators // WSEAS Transactions on Business and Economics, 19, pp. 690-700, ISSN: 1109-9526 https://doi.org/10.37394/23207.2022.19.61 
  3. Mints, A., Kolodiziev, O., Krupka, M., Vyshyvana B., Yastrubetska L. (2022) A cross-impact analysis of the bank payment card market parameters and non-financial sectors’ indicators in the Ukrainian economy // Banks and Bank Systems, Volume 17, Issue #2, pp. 163-177, ISSN: 1816-7403 doi:21511/bbs.17(2).2022.14.