
  • Євгеній Клопота Zaporіzhia National University, Ukraine


visual impairment, integration, professional adaptation, professional self-determination, training


The article deals with the problem of professional self-determination of youth with vision problems. It describes the government policy in the field of vocational guidance and employment of people with disabilities which is aimed at spreading measures of vocational rehabilitation to all categories of people to promote their employment in the open labour market. It is emphasized that professional choice is significant for such people for their integration into society.

Different occupations have different requirements for visual analyzer, so the professional orientation of visually impaired pupils should be based on their visual features and the specifics of their chosen profession. In conditions of visual deprivation the process of self-determination is significantly complicated and associated with a professional, family, social determination of the blind and visually impaired high school students. All these could strengthen the sense of anxiety, to reduce the rate stabilization personality.

Important is the attitude of parents to the defect of the child during his upbringing.
Revaluation impairment leads to hyperopic, which creates conditions for limitation contact with the outside world and promotes the development of self-identity with a passive position in life. The underestimation of the same violations may result in psychological trauma, due to the fact that parents or teachers were formed to install «All the way open», despite the depth of vision.

To ensure the success of professional self-determination of students with visual impairments it is needed to implement a system of measures aimed at the realization of their abilities and opportunities, matching them with their own desires. Such activities include:  conducting interviews with parents of blind and visually impaired students; the implementation of a professional diagnosis of students with visual impairments; organization of special training sessions; conducting individual counseling.

We have developed a comprehensive system of training activities aimed at the realization of the «I-image», their own abilities, capabilities, skills in different situations. One of the most important blocks is to prepare youth with visual impairments to the conscious choice of the future profession.


Author Biography

Євгеній Клопота, Zaporіzhia National University

PhD in Psychology, associate professor, chair of pedagogy, psychology and educational activities


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