
  • Євгенія Калюжна Zaporizhzhya National University, Ukraine
  • Марія Шевергіна Zaporizhzhya National University, Ukraine


younger school age, person, self-esteem, anxiety, personal formation, development, formation, social adaptability



The article is devoted the phenomenology of anxiety and self-esteem of personality and the nature their interconnection in the younger school age. Is emphasized that self-esteem and anxiety are complex personal formations, which belong to basic personality traits. The importance of self-esteem as a component of core of personality and the important regulator of social activity. Substantiated the thesis that self-esteem is the result of comparing the person’s qualities with social relevant standards. Is illustrated that self-esteem – is the emotive "selfrepresentation" of person, a certain modality and intensity. On the basis of complex approach to the study of personality are formulated a working definition of the phenomenon of anxiety as a system of personal formations which is manifested at all levels of mental activity. It was demonstrated that the phenomenon of self-esteem and anxiety, in any age, are the socially conditioned. Are considered the main factors of occurrence of the high anxiety in children at the early school years, and also the effective psychological ways to prevent and correction. Empirically established the nature of relationship with younger schoolchildren’ self-esteem with the level of anxiety. The results of correlation analysis showed: the higher the level of self-esteem of younger schoolchildren, the lower the level of anxiety; accordingly, the lower self-esteem, the higher level of anxiety. Based on the theoretical and empirical research is concluded that increased anxiety is a criterion the disorder of mental health and reveals itself the influence of variables such as a weak identity, emotional lability, low self-esteem and low social adaptability.


Author Biographies

Євгенія Калюжна, Zaporizhzhya National University

PhD in Psychology, associate professor, chair of practical psychology,
Department of practical psychology

Марія Шевергіна, Zaporizhzhya National University

student of faculty of social pedagogy and psychology


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