
  • Є.М. Калюжна Zaporizhzhya National University, Ukraine
  • А.О. Дудко Zaporizhzhya National University, Ukraine


self-concept, personality, ontogenetic development, senior school age, behavior trends, social object, "Image-of-I".


The article is devoted to the study of theoretical aspects of the phenomenon of self-concept of personality and its psychological characteristics of senior school age. Analyzed the key definition of self-concept in modern scientific psychology. Considered the creative achievements and conceptual position of Ukrainian and foreign psychologists on the problems of the individual self-conception. Was emphasized that self-concept is an important psychological category, that is closely linked to the self consciousness of personality and is the central of the psychological regulation of activities. Indicated the need for theoretical and empirical study of ontogenetic aspect of self-concept as a factor in the formation and development of personality. Demonstrated the role of of self-concept in the formation of personality at senior school age. It is shown the age specifics of adolescent self-concept and its importance in the regulation of social activity. Been determined the main psychological characteristics of senior school age, and problems faced by older teens in the process of socialization and restructuring of worldview. Analyzed the features of the process of communication and interaction to surrounding at senior school age. Attention is focused on that self-concept as a necessary component of development of self consciousness is not limited to the inner space of person and at any age is socially determined.

Author Biographies

Є.М. Калюжна, Zaporizhzhya National University

PhD in Psychology, associate professor, chair of practical psychology, Department of practical psychology

А.О. Дудко, Zaporizhzhya National University

student of faculty of social pedagogy and psychology


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