
  • O.А. Слободиська Vinnytsia Trade Institute of Trade and Economics of KNTEU, Ukraine
  • З.С. Савчук M. Kotsiubynsyi State Pedagogical University of Vinnytsia, Ukraine


students, components of lecturer’s image.


The article presents the results of the students’ survey about the complex image of the modern lecturer of a higher educational establishment and its importance in the students’ perception of the holistic image of a lecturer. The author proves that accomplishments, justice, tactfulness and sense of humour are seemed to be the most significant for senior students. The students are considered to be intolerant to injustice. Thus, the process of students’ growing correlates with attaching greater importance to those qualities of the lecturer that relating to their professional competence as a source of information as well as moralities.


Author Biographies

O.А. Слободиська, Vinnytsia Trade Institute of Trade and Economics of KNTEU

Ph.D., Associate Professor, Associate Professor of Psychology, Sociology and Law Chair

З.С. Савчук, M. Kotsiubynsyi State Pedagogical University of Vinnytsia

Ph.D., Associate Professor, Associate Professor of Psychology


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