
  • А.В. Караваєва Zaporizhzhia National University, Ukraine


labor, attitude, attitude to work, motivation, work behavior.


The article is devoted to the theoretical analysis of the problem of person’s attitude to labor. Also considered are the main approaches to the study of this problem, different models of construction of the system «attitude to labor» are analyzed. The author suggests the socio-psychological model of person’s attitude to the labor, which is based on the analysis of the main approaches. Contained is the scheme of this socio-psychological model. This article describes the different levels and components of a model of attitude to labor. The author also presents indicators of person’s attitude to labor and their work, which could be subject of practical research. Moreover, this paper describes the objective and subjective factors, which contribute to the formation of a certain attitude to labor. 

Author Biography

А.В. Караваєва, Zaporizhzhia National University

Phd student of the Department of Practical Psychology


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