

inclusive space, blind, visually impaired, psychological support, integration.


The article describes the principles and the details of psychocorrection work with people with profound visual impairment. Had been analyzed a model of psychological care, which includes the following components: a psychological diagnostics, psychological prevention, psychological educational activities, individual and group psychological correction. Emphasizes the need for a comprehensive psychological support participative inclusive space. For effective social integration of psychological support for blind and visually impaired should be limited to the pre-school, school, high school and professional periods in which they work. In an inclusive space, it is given much attention to the interaction of sighted and visually impaired pupils and students of psychological readiness of teachers, school administrators, and the relationship between the parents. Great importance is psychological support in the professional field of blind and visually impaired people in their relationships in the workplace, the design stereotypes of employers in relation to blindness. Conducting psychocorrection work with blind and visually impaired people in different stages of their integration into the society, it is necessary to take into account the need to adapt the stimulus psycho-diagnostic material, prioritize the use of training exercises, as well as the correction of individual and group techniques.

 inclusive space; blind; visually impaired; psychological support; integration.


Author Biography

Є.А. Клопота, Zaporozhia National University

Doctor of Psychology, Associate professor,
Chair of pedagogy and psychology of educational activities


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