DOI:Ключові слова:
digitalization, information and communication services, a network of libraries of Ukraine for youth, social communication, library service.Анотація
The purpose of the article is to study information and communication services and to provide servicesof libraries of Ukraine for youth, young people in the period of digitalization of social communications. The
practical application of digitalization of resources of libraries of Ukraine for youth, young people, and provision
of information and communication services to users, as well as defining communication channels between the
librarian and the user are considered. The methodology of the research is to apply the theoretical principles
of analytical and synthetic processing of information, which made it possible to characterize information and
communication services of libraries of Ukraine for youth, young people, and library services in the age of
digitalization. The scientific novelty is to identify the transitional directions for the preparation and provision
of library service information and communication facilities of libraries of Ukraine for youth, young people
through the formation of a single space of transformational and innovative changes in the library network
for youth, young people in the digital age. Conclusions. The main goals of further digital modernization of
libraries of Ukraine should be: introduction of the latest digital technologies, optimization of technological
processes of library service in digitalization of social communications; prioritizing the provision of digital
production services for libraries of Ukraine for young people; combining and using library and information
activities in the digital dimension; developing and implementing a strategy for promoting libraries for youth,
young people in the digital socio-communication space; updating the role of the library in new models of
information and knowledge management in the digital media space; establishing a sustainable and effective
partnership of library institutions in the digital area; development of competitive advantages of library projects
in the digital socio-cultural space.
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