
  • К. О. Бабікова Institute of Agroecology and Environmental Management of NAAS, Ukraine



ecological tourism, balanced development, recreation, nature management, tourist activity, green tourism


The article deals with the basic theoretical approaches to defining the concept of tourism, its essence and role at the present stage of development of world trade in services. It has been revealed that tourism in recent years is characterized by high dynamism, stability of development and active influence on the economy of the countries that have the necessary resources for its development. The number of nature reserves of Ukraine is analyzed. It is revealed that tourism is an integral part of the life of the modern man, which allows to use additional opportunities of the economic sector for job creation and infrastructural transformations, and makes a significant contribution to the development of the world economy. The directions of development of ecological tourism are proposed, which envisage program measures are expected and creation of rayon ecological-educational network and tourist centers with coordination of their activity in a single Center of ecological tourism, significant growth of tourist flow, attraction of a large number of locals in the sphere of ecological tourism, increase of ecological tourism and environmental education, increasing financial support from local sponsors. It is proved that the main idea of eco-tourism is first and foremost a concern for environmental protection

Author Biography

К. О. Бабікова, Institute of Agroecology and Environmental Management of NAAS

Babikova Katerine Alexandrivna — Candidate of Agricultural Sciences


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