
  • О. М. Тітаренко Vinnytsia National Agrarian University, Ukraine



agrarian sector, agrophytocenoses, biodiversity, agricultural products, herbicides, pesticides


The solution of the problem of protection, conservation and reproduction of Eastern Podillya biodiversity is an important task necessary for an effective adjustment of a balanced development strategy region, since the share of agricultural land from its total area is 76.1%. Therefore, it is important to develop directions for the restoration and maintenance of agroecosystems properties, where the most promising in this aspect is the conservation of biodiversity. Subject The volume of the study is anthropogenic changes in the biogeocoenic cover of agrolandscapes, the possibility environmentalization of agricultural activity on the principles of protection, non-exhaustive use and reproduction within the Eastern division. The purpose of the study is to determine the the production of dairy products, namely the use of pesticides, to the present state of biodiversity in the context of balanced development.

The article deals with the issues of the impact of agricultural activity on the state of biodiversity, the Eastern Podillya. The perspectives of protection of biological diversity from negative-the influence of anthropogenic activity, the crucial role of pesticide use is substantiated for the control of harmful organisms. The importance of plant protection systems for efficient combating of weeds. The peculiarities of the influence and perspectives of preservation and protection of biodiversity from the negative effects of agricultural activity. Substantiated There are ways to improve the use of modern plant protection products for conservation purposes biological diversity. According to research results, it has been found that herbicides have significant influence on the formation of yield and quality of agrocenosis products. In addition, much decreases the damage of plants to diseases and their spread. Therefore, the potential threat of herbicides, their accumulation in the natural environment requires scientific research and development approaches to the organization of protective measures. The proposed integrated plant protection systems are proposed
have an environmental focus. Key words: agrarian sector, agrophytocenosis,


Author Biography

О. М. Тітаренко, Vinnytsia National Agrarian University

assistant of the Department of Ecology and Environmental Protection


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