
  • О. І. Фурдичко Institute of Agroecology and Nature Management of NAAS, Ukraine
  • І. С. Нейко State Enterprise «Vinnytsia Forest Research Station», Ukraine



main forest tree species, tree breeding, half sibs, sibs, varieties, genotype-environment interaction, ecological plasticity


The genotype-environment interaction under individual and population selection studied studied in
article. The basic principles of forest genetics, tree breeding and introduction in Ukraine are considered.
Despite significant advances in selection and testing of progeny at the individual and population levels,
aspects of interaction with the environment have not been investigated. The study of halfsibs and sibs
progeny, varieties and hybrids was conducted only in the context of productivity in the same type of
environment condition. At the same time, the issue of reacting and interacting with the environment has
not been studied. In conditions of global warming, changes in soil and hydrological conditions, there is
a need for the use of modern methods for assessing the response of genotypes to environmental changes.
The article presents the main approaches to assessing the interaction of genotype (variety) — environment
in order to introduce effective mechanisms for improving the quality of selection. The parametric and
nonparametric estimation models based on previous developments of foreign scientists are considered. In
particular, the main models developed by Eberhart and Russel (1966), Thai (1971), Shukla (1972), Hanson
(1988), Nassar and Hyn (1987), Fox (1990) and Kang (Kang, 1991). The interpretation of the results
calculated for the indicators is given. The paper states that existing models have both positive and flaws.
Therefore, when evaluating the interaction of genotype-environment it is expedient to use several models.The use of several models makes it possible to identify with high confidence the most productive, stable and adapted genotypes under certain environmental conditions. This is especially true in the conditions of global climate change, the variability of soil-hydrological conditions of the environment.

Author Biographies

О. І. Фурдичко, Institute of Agroecology and Nature Management of NAAS

Academician of National Academy of Agrarian Sciences
Doctor of Economics, Professor

І. С. Нейко, State Enterprise «Vinnytsia Forest Research Station»

Ph.D. in Agriculture Sciences, Senior Researcher


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