
  • С. ф. Разанов Vinnytsia National Agrarian University, Ukraine
  • О. І. Врадій Vinnytsia National Agrarian University, Ukraine




heavy metals, mushrooms, concentration, cadmium, zinc, copper, lead, maximum permissible concentrations, excess


The article is devoted to assessing the level of pollution of edible mushrooms by lead, cadmium, zinc and copper in the conditions of the Right Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine. Studies were carried out in the forest areas of the Vinnitsa and Kalinovsky districts of the Vinnitsa region. The study of the concentration of heavy metals was carried out in the scientific-measuring agrochemical laboratory of the department of ecology and environmental protection of the agronomical faculty on the basis of Vinnitsa National Agrarian University. The concentration of heavy metals in the fruit bodies of the fungi studied was determined by atomic absorption spectrometry after dry mineralization. Analysis of the anthropogenic impact on the environment shows that the intensity of contamination by heavy metals of all components of the environment in some areas is growing rapidly, to a certain extent leads to contamination of natural food raw materials with these toxins. According to the study revealed an excess of the maximum permissible concentrations of cadmium in Gyroporus cyanescens (Lat.) by 1.6 times, Laetiporus sulphureus (Lat.) — by 1.5 times, Boletus regius (Lat.) — by 1.4 times, Xerocomus (Lat.) — by 1.7 times, Russula (Lat.) — by 6.5 times, Boletus edulis (Lat.) — by 1.7 times, Amanita rubescens (Lat.) — by 1.5 times, Leccinum scabrum (Lat.) — by 1.7 times, Leccinum aurantiacum (Lat.) — by 1.3 times and Armillaria mellea (Lat.) — by 1.7 times, while the concentration of lead, zinc and copper was lower than MPC. At the same time, it should be noted that the highest concentration of lead was found in Armillaria mellea (Lat.) compared to Cantharellus cibarius (Lat.), Gyroporus cyanescens (Lat.), Laetiporus sulphureus (Lat.), Boletus regius (Lat.), Xerocomus (Lat.), Russula (Lat.), Boletus edulis (Lat.), Amanita rubescens (Lat.), Leccinum scabrum (Lat.) and Leccinum aurantiacum (Lat.) by 1.4, 1.3, 1.07, 1.2, 1.03, 1.4, 1.2, 1.07, 1.1 and 1.3 times, respectively. The concentration of cadmium was the highest in Russula (Lat.), in comparison with Cantharellus cibarius (Lat.), Gyroporus cyanescens (Lat.), Laetiporus sulphureus (Lat.), Boletus regius (Lat.), Xerocomus (Lat.), Boletus edulis (Lat.), Amanita rubescens (Lat.), Leccinum scabrum (Lat.), Leccinum aurantiacum (Lat.) and Armillaria mellea (Lat.) by 36, 1.4, 14.4, 15.4, 12.7, 12.7, 14.4, 12.7, 16.6 and 12.7 times, respectively. The concentration of zinc was the highest in Boletus edulis (Lat.), in comparison with Cantharellus cibarius (Lat.), Gyroporus cyanescens (Lat.), Laetiporus sulphureus (Lat.), Boletus regius (Lat.), Xerocomus (Lat.), Russula (Lat.), Amanita rubescens (Lat.), Leccinum scabrum (Lat.), Leccinum aurantiacum (Lat.) and Armillaria mellea (Lat.) by 1.7, 1.6, 2.3, 1.03, 1.5, 1.02, 1.7, 2.7, 1.1 and 154 times, respectively. The concentration of copper was the highest in Armillaria mellea (Lat.), in comparison with Cantharellus cibarius (Lat.), Gyroporus cyanescens (Lat.), Laetiporus sulphureus (Lat.), Boletus regius (Lat.), Xerocomus (Lat.), Russula (Lat.), Boletus edulis (Lat.), Amanita rubescens (Lat.), Leccinum scabrum (Lat.) and Leccinum aurantiacum (Lat.) by 8.7, 4.4, 46.6, 15.5, 11.2, 4.4, 10.8, 17.5, 4 and 20 times, respectively.

Author Biography

С. ф. Разанов, Vinnytsia National Agrarian University

Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor


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