
  • М. Ю. Тараріко Institute of Agroecology and Nature Management of NAAS, Ukraine



accident at ChNPP, radioactive contamination, population irradiation, system of urgent measures, radiological protection, medical support


The purpose of the research is to assess the long-term effects of the traditional organo-mineral system
of fertilizer of grain and potato crop rotation on radioactive contamination of drained sod-podzolic
soils and the accumulation of radionuclides in plant products in comparison with forest plantations and
fallow. To establish the level of exposure of different population groups in the contaminated areas of the
humane zone of Ukraine in the current radioecological situation in the region. Comparison of the activity
of radiation at the fallow and in the forest with fields of the experimental farms at the background
of the organo-mineral fertilizer system showed that on average, on crop rotation in the layer 0–10 cm, it
was 2.5 times lower than that of the fallow. However, in the layer of 10–20 cm the level of activity in the
arable land was much higher than in the forest and fallow, which is due to the movement of a significant
amount of radionuclides into the lower part of the loose layer. The conducted researches indicate that in
the remote period after the Chernobyl accident in the conditions of Northern Polissya under high levels of
radiation practically it is impossible to use the gifts of the forest. Another important task of the study was
to determine the current levels of activity of radiation by people of all ages and kind of activity, children
of kindergartens and schools living in the zone of Northern Polissya of Zhytomyr region. Determination of
the activity of radiation by children of preschool age showed that out of 96 in 68, uncertain radiation, and
in 26 children the activity was within 0.009–0.096 and in one child 0.136 millisyears (mSv). Determination
of the dynamics of activity of radioactive radiation in schoolchildren showed that for changes in the
mode of life and diet, the activity of radiation compared with children of kindergartens increased from
0.012 to 0.112 mSv, that is, almost by 10 times. Especially high activity of radioactive radiation was in
first-graders. The average activity of 37 pupils was 0.133 mSv, which was higher than the average in the
school by 18%. The clear dependence of radiation activity on the age of pupils is uncertain. It was within
9-12% of the maximum permissible radiation of 1 mSv. The study of radiation activity among workers of
various kinds of activity showed that in 293 studied average activity of radiation was 0.083 mSv, which
was by 7 times lower than in preschool children, and 1.3 times less than the average for schoolchildren.
Despite the fact that there has been a decrease in the level of radiological activity over time, the ecological
situation of radioactive contaminated radionuclide areas remains difficult. In spite of this funding of the
state program «Radiological protection of the population and environmental rehabilitation of the territory
that was exposed to radioactive contamination» is suspended.

Author Biography

М. Ю. Тараріко, Institute of Agroecology and Nature Management of NAAS

Ph.D. in Economics


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