
  • О. І. Фурдичко Director Institute of Agroecology and Nature Management of NAAS, Ukraine
  • О. П. Яремко Тернопільське обласне управління лісового і мисливського господарства, Ukraine



forestry, forestry production, forest policy, forest ecosystems, forest land, land use.


The article analyzes the issues of organization of forestry production, as well as the dynamics of the area of forest land according to the accounting data of different years. The description of the composition of the forest land category according to the Standard Statistical Classification of Land Use of the EEAS FAO FAO. The distribution of state forestry lands by forestry land categories by land use categories of the Podillya region is substantiated. The proposed distribution of forest land into land use categories. The basic aspects of forming the ways of organizing forestry production, enhancing its culture, starting with the formation of land relations, as well as the division of agricultural land into land use categories and the division of forest land into forest management categories that are interrelated. It is determined that in the scientific support of the Ukrainian forestry they still retain some autonomy transferred, to a large extent, from the experience of the former centralized «forest management».

Considering the basic imperatives of forestry, adapt the accounting of forest management to the European legislation on their division into HDL and LDL. Conduct scientific research to ensure that the definition and description of the term «Forestry» and its associated legal definition and practical use.

Author Biographies

О. І. Фурдичко, Director Institute of Agroecology and Nature Management of NAAS

Doctor of Economics, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor
Academician of NAАS,

О. П. Яремко, Тернопільське обласне управління лісового і мисливського господарства

PhD in Economics Ternopil Regional Department of Forestry and Hunting


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