
  • О. В. Килин Lviv Institute of Economics and Tourism, Ukraine
  • О. М. Вітер Lviv Institute of Economics and Tourism, Ukraine



tourism, tourism industry, tourism market, tourism infrastructure, tourism potential, tourism policy, state regulation, tourism development strategy


The article is devoted to the research of the state, problems and prospects of development of tourist business in Ukraine and its state regulation. It is well known that tourism is one of the most promising, dynamic and profitable industries of the world economy, which is why tourism deserves special attention. In order to accelerate the pace of development and increase the efficiency of tourism enterprises, giving priority to this sphere in the article draws attention to the problems that need urgent state support and regulation, and the main factors that hinder the development of tourism in Ukraine. Analyzing the role of the state in the organization and development of tourism activities in different countries of the world, there are four types of models of state participation in the regulation of the tourism industry. Having considered the existing models of state regulation of tourism activity development, it is noted that it is the third model of state participation in the development of the tourism industry that is acceptable for Ukraine, since our country has chosen the European vector of development, building a democratic society. The active policy of the state on support and development of tourism sphere, development of tourist infrastructure, creation of conditions for increase of attractiveness of regions for foreign and domestic tourists, improvement of quality of tourist services is of great importance in this direction. To further develop the tourism industry in Ukraine, a strategy for the development of tourism and resorts for the period up to 2026 has been develope. The article describes the basic principles of state regulation of tourism in Ukraine, identifies existing problems and identifies the most effective mechanisms for regulating the tourism industry in Ukraine. The author summarizes and substantiates the feasibility of implementing conceptual measures for improving state regulation of tourism in Ukraine, using foreign experience.

Author Biographies

О. В. Килин, Lviv Institute of Economics and Tourism

Kylyn Oksana Vasylivna — Associate Professor, Department of Accounting and Finance

О. М. Вітер, Lviv Institute of Economics and Tourism

Viter Оleksandra Mykolayivna — Associate Professor, Department of International Economics and Investment Activity


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