


organic farming, climate change, transition period, agroecosystem


The state policy on legal regulation in the field of organic production in Ukraine is analyzed. The influence of climate change on the cultivation of crops in the transition period from traditional to organic farming is considered. The main tasks of the transition period from the traditional to the organic system of agriculture are stated and scientifically substantiated. Possible ecological risks and factors influencing the adaptability of agroecosystems to agroclimatic conditions are shown. It is substantiated that the strategy of adaptation of agroecosystem in organic conditions should take into account ecological risks and adaptability of agroecosystems to agroclimatic conditions of each region. The groups of factors influencing the level of ecological risk during the transition to organic production are determined: the location of the farm, the level of organization of production, the peculiarities of the application of agricultural machinery. It is emphasized that the assessment of the location of the farm under organic production should be based on environmental risks caused by potentially dangerous economic activities: polluting industrial enterprises, high-traffic roads, existing and inactive storage of agrochemicals, contaminated soils with toxic residues. It is substantiated that the high adaptive potential of the agroecosystem plays a role in mitigating the negative effects of climate change. Such high adaptive potential of the agroecosystem depends on optimal indicators of soil agrochemical status, productive soil moisture reserves, optimal ratio of agricultural and ecological stabilizing lands. It is noted that to reduce the environmental risk of organic farming it is important to increase the level of organization of production processes and skills and responsibilities of employees, use of modern equipment and compliance with the optimal regime of technological processes. It is shown that the stabilization of the organic agroecosystem depends on a group of factors related to the peculiarities of the application of agricultural machinery: crop rotation, tillage, varietal selection, protection and fertilization systems. It is proved that the developed strategy of transition to organic production will contribute to the adaptation and stability of the agroecosystem in the transition period from traditional to organic farming.

Author Biographies

Л. І. Моклячук, Institute of Innovative Education of the National University of Civil Engineering and Architecture

L.I. Moklyachuk

Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor

А. М. Ліщук, Institute of Agroecology and Environmental Management of NAAS

A.M. Lishchuk

Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Senior Researcher

М. В. Драга, Institute of Agroecology and Environmental Management of NAAS

M.V. Draga

Candidate of Biological Sciences

І. М. Городиська, Institute of Agroecology and Environmental Management of NAAS

І.M. Horodyska

Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Senior Researcher

Л. Б. Плаксюк, LLC «Organic Standard»

L.B. Plaksyuk

Candidate of Agricultural Sciences

Ю. В. Терновий, Skvyra Research Station of Organic Production of the Institute of Agroecology and Environmental Management of NAAS

Yu.V. Ternovyi

Candidate of Agricultural Sciences


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