


The aim of the study was to determine the «zero moment» in terms of particle size distribution of different age rock dumps of Donbass mines, their nutritional regime, overgrowth of soil algae. To determine the species
composition of soil algae, early samples were taken from 5 different age rock dumps of the following mines:
«Pivdenno-Donbaska-1», «Pivdenno-Donbaska-3» (rock storage not more than 45 years); mine managemen
№ 5 «Zakhidne», «Trudivska» № 5-bis, «Shchurivka-1» (storage for over 100 years). The species composition
of soil algae and their quantitative accounting were determined according to the determinants and methods
generally accepted in soil and algological studies: microscopy of freshly selected soil and culture methods, of which cup cultures with agglomeration glasses on agar medium were preferred. Types of algae were determined by domestic and foreign determinants, life forms — by the classification of E. Shtyna, systematic structure —
by the system of I. Kostikov. Agrochemical indicators of the breed were determined by: pH of water — DSTU 26483-85; humus — DSTU 26213-91; nitrate nitrogen — DSTU 4729; mobile phosphorus, exchangeable potassium — DSTU 4115-2002; particle size distribution — DSTU 4730: 2007. Determination of granulometric fractions of 0-20 cm layer of waste heaps of mines shows a potential increase with age of the heap of small fractions and a decrease in the fraction of stones from 84% on the heap of the mine «Pivdenno-Donbaska -3» to 48,7% on the heap «Shchurivka-1». In terms of content, small fractions almost reach the stone fraction in the dump of the mine management № 5 «Zakhidne» (45,4% and 54,6%), and predominate in the dump of the mine «Schurivka-1». The share of mu-leaf fraction is not high in all dumps and does not exceed 1%, which indicates the beginning of the process of structure formation. The
supply of rock of the studied dumps with nitrogen is very low, the mobile phosphorus is very low and low
(«Shchurivka-1» and mine management № 5 «Zakhidne»), exchangeable potassium is very low (<20). On the surface of the dumps we found 80 species of algae from 5 divisions, 6 classes, 17 orders, 31 families, 45 genera. The least represented algae from the department of Eustigmatophyta — 7 species (8,7%), slightly more — algae from the department of Bacillariophyta — 10 species (12,5%) and Xanthophyta — 12 species (15,0%). In waste heaps, the structure of algal groups is close to the structure of background soils,
where the share of blue-green algae is 50 species (39,1%), green — 40 (31,3%), yellow-green — 20 (15,6)%), diatoms — 14 (10,9%), eustigmats — 4 (3,1%). Bracteacoccaceae and Phormidiaceae dominated the families. The dominance of Chlorophyta and Cyanophyta indicates a steppe process of soil formation. They are characterized by high resistance to adverse living conditions. The appearance of algae in the mineral rock is the beginning of soil formation.

Author Biographies

S. Bulygin, National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine

Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor, Academician of NAAS

S. Vitvitsky, National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine

candidate of agricultural sciences

L. Kucher, National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine

candidate of agricultural sciences

D Antonyuk, National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine

graduate student

M Chayka, Kharkiv State Agrarian University named after V.V. Dokuchaeva

Doctor of Agricultural Sciences


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