The analysis of the dynamics of changes in the areas of land categories and the average tax indicators
of the Drevlyansky Nature Reserve is carried out. It is established that the area of the forest fund of the
Reserve has not changed. There was an increase in the area of forest land covered by 106.9 hectares and
in 2018 is 15021.1 hectares. The area of lands not covered with forest vegetation decreased by 107.5 ha, of
which the area of non-closed forest crops decreased by 104.5 ha. With a decrease in the area of forest lands
by 0.6 ha, the area of non-forest lands (swamps) increased accordingly. There were also minor changes
among the taxonomic indicators of the stand. The average age of the stand increased by 5.5 years (from
1.5 years the age of hanging birch increased to 6.5 years of aspen). The average credit rating decreased by
0.16 (from 2.45 to 2.61). The largest decrease occurred by 0.8 in pine banks (from 1.8 to 2.6). The highest
quality in Canadian poplar. There was also an increase in average fullness: from 0.78 in 2008 (medium
stand) to 0.81 in 2018 (high stand) the largest increase in fullness occurred in hanging birch — by 0.05
(from 0.73 to 0.78 ). There are also stands with a density of 1.0, the area of which decreased in 2018 compared to 2008 by 107 hectares (from 356.8 hectares to 346.1 hectares). The total stock of the stand increased
by 12.5% and amounts to 4321.83 thousand m3. The increase in area occurred from 9.1% (3.06 thousand
m3) in common oak to 37.7% (28.98 thousand m3) in hanging birch. The increase in the average stock per
1 ha of forest vegetation is from 1.11 m3 / ha in aspens to 32.52 m3 / ha in hanging birch. This analysis
of changes in land categories and average tax indicators is necessary to develop an effective action plan
for forest conservation, increase the forest cover of the Reserve and provide future status of old growth
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