Ecological consequences of intensification of agricultural production.




land use, soil, agriculture, agroecosystem, food security


The problem of intensification of agricultural production in the conditions of rapidly growing population is highlighted. In agriculture, their severity is even more pronounced, because this sector of the economy has always been characterized by its problems and actively attracted public attention. Among these problems and unsolved problems, recently, issues related to the intensification of agricultural production, which has significant features, have become especially relevant. Its consistent implementation affects important aspects of agricultural theory, primarily related to the law of declining soil fertility, the theory and conditions of formation of differential land rent. From a practical point of view, the intensification of agricultural production, the driving force of which is scientific and technological progress and systemic technical and technological transformations, provides a set of measures to ensure environmental sustainability, rationalization of nature. Their scientific and theoretical development becomes an objective necessity in the formation of a market economy and market relations. The management practice of agricultural enterprises requires a deeper justification of measures to intensify agricultural production. Thus, the intensification of agriculture is not only a vital economic strategy, but also largely social. After all, the formation and development of agricultural production on the basis of intensification provides income to enterprises in the agricultural sector, which will improve the living conditions of the rural population.

Author Biographies

O. Chumachenko, National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine

Candidate of Agricultural Sciences

Y. Kryvoviaz, National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine

Candidate of Agricultural Sciences

V. Hrehul, National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine



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