«Cognitive land economy» as a way of accomplishment the objective laws of living and non-living nature and society





Constitution of Ukraine, Pyramid-model, the land and its natural resources, cognitive land economy, domestic and foreign markets, accomplishment, economy, system, goals, form, content


The structures of economic production and nature management in the modern backgrounds of the socio-economic system in Ukraine are becoming increasingly subject to the laws of land utilize (use) and its natural resources as natural objects for the benefit of the people. In the outlined conditions, taking into account the factors of external aggression and internal instability, it is necessary to improve the institutional component of the real economic and legal strengthening of Ukrainian statehood while accelerating socio-economic development on a qualitatively new evolutionary basis. The purpose of the study is scientific-theoretical and methodological comprehension of the author’s latest idea of «Cognitive Land Economy» and possible «accomplishment» of land reform, not just «completion» of what was not actually and what is contrivedly imposed on society, applying the current provisions of the Fundamental Law of Ukraine, gained practical experience and a systematic approach to solving the problem of the relationship in time between the «subject» of economic space management — human and the «object» of management — economic land space, by painless (for society) correction of mistakes made during the last quarter of a century. A Pyramid-model of the relationship between economic and social factors from the standpoint of a cognitive approach to study them in a fundamental and practical relationship. The author defined this attitude as system-creating to describe the holistic processes of relations in «cognitive economic systems», in particular, land, with the phenomenal property of self-compensation of complexity. The selection of structural, substantial and subjective properties, as well as the links between them allowed the author to establish that the economic land reality is a «cognitive system», which provides an opportunity to complete land reform based on the laws of living and non-living nature and society. Based on the above assumptions and general theoretical and informational ideas and concepts of «cognitive land economy», which operate in socio-economic systems of many levels as formal correlates of the «holistic effect» the author defines the basic systemic land economic principles for establishing the balance «source — form — content» and the coordination and uniformization of information in the economic land space of these as well as economic and legal, and economic management systems to carry out the rule of «common goals»

Author Biography

O. Kovaliv, Institute of Agroecology and Nature Management of NAAS

Doctor of Economic Sciences, Senior Researcher, Head of the Department of Environmental Economics in the Agrosphere


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