Franchising as a form of activation of innovative activity of agricultural complex enterprises
agro-industrial complex, agro-franchise, innovation, competitiveness, agricultural production, enterpriseAbstract
The article examines the features of franchising and its role in the agro-industrial complex. Today, the agro-industrial complex in Ukraine is built in such a way that it is very difficult for enterprises to survive alone, especially for an enterprise that is just entering the market with a huge number of existing ones that have proven themselves.
The purpose of this article is to analyze the development of franchising in the agro-industrial complex and identify the main directions of its development.
An analysis of the economic literature shows that many aspects of franchising in the agro-industrial complex are still insufficiently studied. Despite the number of publications on this topic, the issue of franchise interaction with small and medium-sized businesses in Ukraine remains open. Based on the analysis of scientific sources, the theoretical foundations of franchising are considered, the advantages and disadvantages of agro-industrial enterprises based on franchising are summarized. The validity of the obtained results is due to the use of general scientific and special statistical methods.
For the sustainable and dynamic formation of franchising relations, we have developed a mechanism for the development of franchising in the agro-industrial complex, which is a set of implementation tools aimed at creating a favorable environment for franchising in the agro-industrial complex. The novelty of the proposed mechanism for the development of franchising relations in the agro-industrial complex is the complexity of measures, the implementation of which will establish the positive dynamics of franchising and create conditions for sustainable and efficient operation of franchising systems.
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