Epistemology of the current state of nature management as a causal pattern of land reform carried out so far in Ukraine
land relations, cognitive land economy, use, natural objects, basic national wealth, ownership, natural resourcesAbstract
Analyzed and generalized causal patterns as the main milestones of organizational and legal principles carried out by so far reform in Ukraine — from the point of view of its consequences, which made it possible to reveal basic knowledge for possible formulation on their basis of existing organizational and economic principles on the use of natural objects in Agrosphere. The existing knowledge of constitutional land pragmatism, which contributes to the true knowledge of various existing legislative and regulatory acts and organizational and economic principles of conducted transformations on the subject of their requirements of the constitutional essence and the needs of balanced use of natural objects, are investigated. The direction is disclosed as a conceptual approach to the possible functioning of the organizational and economic principles of balanced use of natural objects of Ukrainian agrospheres, which is based on a reliable legal basis and is realized through a comprehensive systemic «cognitive land economy» (author D.N., Alexander Koval) The process of relevant land reform in Ukraine as a new paradigm. It is found out that only based on the knowledge gained in the process of execution of the first stage of assessing the real state of use of natural objects in the agrosphere, as special causal laws from the position of the latest requirements of state formation, it becomes possible to carry out more thorough and productive research in the following stages. Implementation of fundamental scientific work «Organizational and economic principles of balanced use of natural objects in the agroosphere of Ukraine».
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