Using digital marketing approaches in biotechnology production




ecological marketing, biotechnological production, digital approaches, marketing communications, environmental economy, agriculture


The effectiveness of using digital marketing tools and various functions for biotechnological production is substantiated. Their main functions, advantages, as well as the main criteria, are covered, indicating their effectiveness at the present stage and the possibility of their future use in the future. The stages of conducting research on the market of biological preparations on agricultural lands and enterprises that are direct consumers of biopreparations are substantiated. Also illuminates the connection of the marketing link between manufacturers of data at the C2C level and their feedback. The expediency of using each individual instrument, depending on the situation of a biotechnological enterprise in the market, as well as the situation where the company is expedient to pay attention to the indicated indicators. The stages of using targeted advertising for biotechnological companies are determined, the efficiency of launching an advertising campaign in a digital plane is analyzed. In particular, the main approaches to using targeted advertising are identified, stages and real examples of modern biotechnological companies operating in the Ukrainian market, and, accordingly, reflect the real state of development of digital marketing tools in the biotechnological branch of agriculture in Ukraine.

Author Biographies

A. Haidar, Institute of Agroecology and Nature Management of NAAS

Doctor of Philosophy in Economics

N. Zinovchuk, Institute of Agroecology and Nature Management of NAAS

Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head of the Ecological Management Sector

V. Lazarenko, Institute of Agroecology and Nature Management of NAAS

Doctor of Philosophy in Economics, Head of the Department of Economics of Environmental Management in Agrosphere


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