Biological aspects of functioning of field protective forest belts in conditions of climate change
phytocenosis, living above-ground cover, species diversity, biogeocenosis, biodiversity, stratification, stability, forest biocenosis, coenotic structureAbstract
In today’s conditions, one of the most actual problems of the agricultural sphere, which occupies 70% of the territory of Ukraine and determines its agricultural potential, is the stability and increasing of the sustainability of agroecosystems. Creating and restoring of a system of field protective forest plantations is one of the most radical ways to maintain the sustainability of agro-ecosystems, increasing of their buffering by partially restoring forest biogeocenosis, which are an integral part of natural landscapes. The aim is to assess the species composition of field protective forest belts, to conduct a comparative analysis of the phytocenotic structure of plant diversity and to identify the main signs of forest biocenosis formation in field protective forest belts as a guarantee of their biological stability The research was conducted through the study of scientific materials of well-known scientists on the biological aspects of the functioning of field protective forest belts in conditions of the climate change. Also, the characteristics and main features of field protective forest belts, their species composition and their vertical location in the structure of the biogeocenosis are given. The value of each component of the food supply chain, which provides the cycle of substances and energy, is considered. Such processes contribute to the development of forest biocenosis, which in turn is a stable self-regulating plantation. Field protective forest belts form a stable vegetation cover, climatic conditions are ecological factors that have a direct impact on the environment and are home to animals, plants, viruses and fungi. The diversity of species in field protective forest belts is directly related to the lifespan of plant communities. Therefore, the younger the field protective forest belts are, the more diverse and intense the life in them is. Therefore, field protective forest belts help to increase the species of flora and fauna in ecosystems and agroecosystems.
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