The mechanism for stimulating the development of rural areas and the possibility of its implementation in Ukraine


  • K. Ushakova Institute of Agroecology and Nature Management of NAAS, Ukraine
  • V. Sakharnatskyi Institute of Agroecology and Nature Management of NAAS, Ukraine



organizational and economic mechanism, agrarian policy, natural resource potential, agrarian sector, environmental safety, natural resources


The article is devoted to the mechanism of stimulating the development of rural areas and the possibilities of its implementation in Ukraine. Ways of balanced development of non-agricultural activities in rural areas are substantiated, the development of industry, rural tourism, the service sector, folk crafts and the production of specific regional products are determined. Emphasis is placed on the need for product diversification of the food and processing industry with an increase in the share of ready-made food products with a higher added value. The analysis of the development of rural areas of the countries of the European Union was carried out and sectoral mechanisms, proportional and complex principles of regional policy were singled out, and the necessity of using an integrated approach to the development and implementation of programs and strategies for the development of united territorial communities was substantiated. The implementation of the European experience of organizational and economic support for the development of rural areas in Ukraine allows determining the main goals of the policy for the development of rural areas in Ukraine, including ensuring the competitiveness of rural areas, transforming the rural economy, promoting the transition to a low-carbon economy, ensuring sustainable management of land and water resources, restoring and preservation of biodiversity, achievement of ecological and economic security, which will contribute to the sustainable, reasonable and comprehensive development of rural areas in Ukraine.


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