


organic soil component, inorganic soil component, mining, sand quarries, reclamation


In this proposed article, the impact on the elemental composition of sand substrates is determined using the example of the Andriykovetskyi quarry-dump complex and the Barsukivskyi sand pit, which are located in the Central Podillya region in the conditions of the Right-Bank Forest-Steppe. It was determined, that saponite clay contains a significant amount of macro- and micro- elements, and the directions of this use depend on the composition and origin of saponite: in agriculture, in industry, in construction, an application as a sorbent or as meliorant, etc. It is noted that the use of saponite as an ameliorant is an economical and cost-effective method of reclamation, which allows to reduce the burden on the environment caused by the extraction of minerals, pollution of the territory by heavy metals, the conduct of hostilities, etc. General scientific (analysis), statistical (statistical analysis) and laboratory methods (Fourier-transform spectroscopy) were used to assess the qualitative composition of inorganic and organic components of sand-saponite mixtures and to determine saponite clay as a potentially fertile material. To conduct the research, an averaged sample of sand was taken from the Andriykovetskyi quarry and dump complex and from the Barsukivskyi sand pit. For comparison with reference values, a zonal soil sample was taken from undisturbed areas. Saponite from the Tashkiv deposit with a fraction of 0.1 mm was used for sand-saponite mixtures, the ratio of sand substrate to saponite is 70% to 30%. According to the results of the study of the qualitative composition of the inorganic component, it was determined, that saponite has a positive effect on the composition of the sand-saponite mixture in terms of providing plants with nutrients, such as macro- and micro- elements (Mg, K, Na, Cu, Zn, Ca). This confirms the positive effect of saponite on plant growth, which was obtained by us in previous biotesting experiments, and is explained by the fact that the elements of the sand-saponite substrate are available to plants as a result of their transition into the substrate solution. Adding saponite to the substrate of sand pits also increases the content of organic substances, which accelerates the processes of humification and the formation of soil aggregates: humic acid contributes to the bonding of soil particles; carbohydrates sucrose, fructose, glucose and lactose create a nutrient environment for plants; stearates and stearic acid are the main soap components, lauric acid is a foaming catalyst, their presence in sand-saponite mixtures indicates their transition from saponite. When comparing the samples of sand-saponite mixtures of the Andriykovetskyi quarry-dump complex and the Barsukivskyi sand pit, it was concluded that the processes of soil formation began in the substrate of the Andriykovetskyi quarry-dump complex, since the composition of organic matter is greater here.

Author Biographies

O. Demyanyuk, Institute of Agroecology and Environmental Management of NAAS

Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor, Corresponding Member of the NAAS of Ukraine

A. Mahdiichuk, Institute of Agroecology and Environmental Management of NAAS

Doctor of Philosophy in ecology


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