Crisis environmental management in the context of armed conflict (a case study of Eastern Europe)




crisis environmental management, geopolitical conflicts, Russian military aggression, Eastern Europe, sustainable development strategies


Military conflicts lead to significant environmental disruption, which can have long-term global consequences, including climate change, decreased agricultural productivity, and threats to human health. Furthermore, geopolitical conflicts can give rise to new environmental threats, such as the risk of nuclear accidents or large-scale chemical spills, which can have catastrophic implications and necessitate specialized response strategies. Contemporary approaches to environmental management often fail to address these unique challenges, are insufficiently flexible to respond to rapidly changing conditions, or lack comprehensiveness in considering all interrelated aspects of environmental crises. Currently, much research focuses on the effects of geopolitical conflicts on the ecological situation. However, most studies examine specific aspects, such as water pollution or biodiversity loss. Additionally, while there is research addressing environmental management in crisis conditions, these studies often do not take into account the specifics of geopolitical conflicts. A significant gap in existing research is the lack of a comprehensive approach to studying the impact of geopolitical conflicts on environmental conditions. Moreover, there is a need for more studies that address crisis environmental management in the context of geopolitical conflicts. Therefore, there is a demand for the development of new crisis environmental management strategies that consider these unique challenges. Such strategies should be capable of effectively responding to new environmental threats, ensuring resilience to ecological crises, and promoting sustainable development. The development of these strategies requires a deep understanding of the interplay between geopolitical conflicts and the state of the environment. This study aims to fill the knowledge gap by conducting a comprehensive analysis of the impact of geopolitical conflicts on environmental conditions and outlining the foundations of innovative crisis environmental management strategies to respond to new complex challenges.


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