
  • O. Дьяков Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics, Ukraine
  • С. Белінська Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics, Ukraine



безопасность, быстрозамороженные соки с мякотью, БГКП, МАФАнМ, плесневые грибы, дрожжи, токсичные элементы, нитраты, радионуклиды


Problem definition. Fresh fruits and vegetables are an essential and indispensable source of biologically and physiologically active substances. However, during the cultivation plant raw materials collect contaminants of chemical nature, because of more intensive farming techniques and environmental disasters. At the same time, during storage fresh fruits and vegetables can be exposed to bacteriological damage, which causes quantitative and qualitative losses and accumulation of mycotoxins. Goal of research is to study the safety of quick-frozen juices with pulp.

Methods and materials.  Objects of researchquick-frozen juices with pulp received from variety of melon Amal, watermelon Khersonskyi, apples Golden Delicious, carrot Canada, celery Giant, and beetroot Bordeaux. To increase consumption value, improve organoleptic qualities, to stabilize color and consistency of quick-frozen juices we proposed to blend apple, carrot and celery juices and to add natural polysaccharide xanthan gum and ascorbic acid.

Results of research. Coliform bacteria and pathogenic microorganisms, including Salmonella, were not found.  It was discovered that the freezing process is a determining factor for reducing the number of mold fungi and yeasts, which are non-persistent to low temperatures. Radioactive nuclides 137Cs і 90Sr in the juices were not detected. Toxic elements, such as cadmium, mercury and arsenic also were not found. The levels of lead, cuprum and zinc were within the limits of the permissible concentrations.


O. Дьяков, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics


Department of Commodity Research and Examination of Food Products

С. Белінська, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics

Doctor of Engineering Science, professor

Department of Commodity Research and Examination of Food Products


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Технологія і безпека продуктів харчування