
  • M. С. Романов
  • В. Д. Кишенько
  • A. П. Ладанюк




optimization of beer production, the scenario approach, situational change, identification, intelligent system.


Paper considers the question of  optimization of basic technological processes of beer production.

The scenario approach can adequately formulate the opinions of experts and to use the results of experimental research to predict the attractive behavior of course of events in complex systems by means of multivariate analysis of situational control object. Each scenario connects the change of external conditions with parameters. Management scenarios are defined as а sequence of transitions by fuzzy logic rules between situationally-significant areas presented a set of models that assess the situation at the site. The problem of optimization of  technological processes of beer production was solved in the framework of the scenario approach, subject to situational changing the priority criteria and restrictions that have linguistic assessment. According to a survey of experts and processing of experimental data identified on static models for each selected fragment control script. Using this knowledge developed intelligent control system of beer production processes based on the principles of situational analysis of the behavior of the control object. The analysis of the results makes it possible to develop such control algorithms that would give such an opportunity to improve technical and economic indicators such as product quality, raw material costs and productivity and technological complex.


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Процеси, обладнання, автоматизація, управління і економика