tomatoes, ascorbic acid, phenolic compounds, carotenoids, abiotic factorsAbstract
The influence of hydrothermal conditions on formation of ascorbic acid, phenolic substances, carotenoids in fruits of tomatoes has been investigated. Relationships are set on the basis of connection between the pair correlation analysis of abiotic factors change and concentrations of bioactive compounds. It was shown that bioactive compounds formation in tomato fruits is significantly influenced by the sum of temperatures in the period of fruits forming and ripening where the coefficient of correlation is -0,64 to 0,75 depending on the characteristic. There is a strong direct correlation (r=0,68) between the ascorbic acid pool and rainfall in the period of forming and ripening of fruits. Rainfall does not affect the formation of phenolic compounds and carotenoids. The concentrations of each bioactive constituent under consideration are in close correlation with each other that indicates the similarity of favorable conditions for the formation of a maximum fund of bioactive compounds.
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