
  • С. І. Олійник
  • В. Л. Прибильский
  • A. М. Куц
  • В. П. Ковальчук
  • O. О. Коваленко



water, water treatment, activated carbon, conditioning


The purpose of scientific research, the results of which are given in the article, is the improvement of the technology of water conditioning by sorption purification of water for the production of beverages, including alcoholic beverages. The subject of research was drinking water, prepared water, activated carbon such grades Silcarbon K1810, Silcarbon K835, Silcarbon K814 compared to Silcarbon K3060. During the research we are used the conventional methods of analysis in liqueur and vodka production, the theoretical synthesis and comparison,  the system approach.

 During the research carried out comparative assessment of physic-chemical and sorption characteristics of activated carbon and examined the efficiency of its use for water conditioning from the manufacture of beverages, including vodka and other alcoholic beverages. Research the actuality of using activated carbon such grades Silcarbon K1810, Silcarbon K835 and Silcarbon K814 in the production of beverages and alcohol products. It is shown that the improved physic-chemical and sorption characteristics of activated carbon allow increasing the specific volume of water produced by 18...20 %.

In a result set that investigated the activated carbon is a perspective and gives an opportunity to significantly reduce the water content of organic matter, iron, nitrogen compounds, improve the organoleptic characteristics both water and alcohol products.


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