
  • M. І. Пересічний
  • O. В. Бондарь



dietary supplements, nutrition athletes, dessert dishes, amino-acid score


In the conditions of modern sports development, the arrangement of balanced nutrition of sportsmen plays an important role. High level of physical, neurological and psychological stress, which develops in the course of trainings and competitions, is accompanied by essential rearrangement of metabolic processes leading to the sportsmen’s increased need in energy and food nutrients. This said, nutrition plays a vital role in supporting a high level of functionality of the body and quickening the adaptive processes to intensive muscle activity. Besides, the selection of the dietary pattern and amount of food consumed in line with the energy expenditure of the body are crucial.

Lately, studying and balanced remodeling of sportsmen nutrition have become quite urgent, given that the correct solution of these problems support the health and vital functions of the body.

The purpose of this work is to develop and examine a chemical composition of desserts with dietary supplements for functional nutrition of sportsmen, namely: the roots of Glycyrrhiza glabra, Potentilla erecta and Panax ginseng, plus the impact of minor substances, the dietary supplements used, on different functions of sportsmen’s bodies, i.e. junior athletes. The data received as a result of experimental research proved the essential role of main and essential nutrients in nutrition of junior athletes. It was proven that consumption of such desserts improved the resistance of body to intense stress, increased the motor response and generally enhanced the working ability, which is of vital importance for training of junior athletes in the period of competitions and in the renewal process.


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Нутриціологія, дієтологія, проблеми харчування