
  • M. І. Пересічний
  • С. М. Пересічна
  • Н. В. Розумна




cheesecake, technology, plant material, minerals


In the recentyears,the dietary imbalanceof Ukrainiansrelated to the contents of essential substanceshas been one of the factors of emergence of such diseases asdiabetes mellitus and obesity.

It should be notedthat the products consumed by the peopleareusually high in calories, which is mainly caused by the abundance of simple carbohydrates and fats againstlow contents of dietary fibre, minerals and vitamins.

The technology of deserts production is based on increased contents of minerals due to the raw plant materials at the level of 10…40 % of a daily average need of the adult population.

The suggestedmethod of cheesecake production with the use of raw plant materialsenhances the nutritional value and increasesthe contents of macro- and microelements. The percentage ofthe daily need satisfied byconsumption of 100 g of developed products is: incalcium–10 to 14 %, iodine – 40 to 60 %, magnesium – 23 to 29 %, iron – 25 to 45 %, zinc – 34 to 46 %, phosphorus –10 to 15 %, potassium – 9 to 18 % due to the use of different types of cereals, raw vegetable and fruit materials.

It was proven that eating the developed cheesecakes satisfies 10-40 % of the daily need in the majority of mineralsaccording to the recommended nutritional standards for population.


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Нутриціологія, дієтологія, проблеми харчування