
  • Д. М. Скрипніченко
  • Н. А. Ткаченко




milk-clotting enzyme, clot, pasteurization, syneresis, probiotic, functional product


The paper presents results of an experimental study related to determination of the adequate weight part of the standardized milk-clotting enzyme CHY-MAX in milk when producing soft probiotic cheeses, depending on the milk pasteurization mode, milk synergetic properties, duration of junket formation, content of dry matter and protein in the whey.

Appearance and weight part of the milk-clotting enzyme produce a considerable impact on the rennet clotting of milk and clot quality. In order to obtain soft probiotic cheeses with standard safety parameters, it is expedient to apply a high-temperature pasteurization process when treating raw milk. Application of the t=(85±1) °С milk pasteurization technology for making soft probiotic cheeses with a time delay (2…3) min. deteriorates considerably the syneretic properties of junkets. To renew milk capacity to form high-quality junkets, it is required to use high ratio of calcium chloride – up to 40…45 g per 100 dm³ of milk. The experimental studies described in the paper have established that in order to renew the cheese-forming capacity of milk, which was pasteurized at high-temperature mode, it is required to apply a higher weight part of the milk-clotting enzyme CHY-MAX to the extent of 2,2 cm³ per 100 dm³ of milk.


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Біопроцеси, біотехнологія харчових продуктів, БАР