


diacylglycerols, polyglycerol esters of fatty acids, methodology of response surface, fats glycerolysis, lipase


The present work is dedicated to the improvement of consumer appeal of diacylglycerol-enriched fats of a well-balanced fatty acid composition, and the ratio of polyunsaturated fatty acids ω-6/ω-3 of 10:1 in particular. Conventional refrigerated storage (at +5 °C), of the said functional fats may result in forming of a crystalline phase, which leads to the unwanted turbidity of the product, as well as its further stratification and precipitation. A range of compound polyglycerol ethers have been used as crystallization inhibiting agents. Comprehensive studies have been carried out using the response surface methodology. Simulation and experimental data processing were performed using Statistica 10 (StatSoft, Inc.) package. The response function was the solids content of fats, which was established by the pulsed nuclear magnetic resonance. A mathematical model allowing to predict the formation of crystalline phases with different values of predictors – the fatty acid composition of polyglycerol esters and their concentration – was developed. Rational parameters ensuring the minimization of solids deposition in functional fats have been established.


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