


functional combined fermented milk product, technology, probiotic, prebiotic, symbiotic, bifidobacterium, bifidogenic factor, adaptation


This paper shows the prospects of functional dairy market growth in Ukraine; it lists physiologically functional food ingredients, and outlines the benefits of use of probiotics, prebiotics and synbiotics in the production of dairy products; five groups of bifidus containing functional dairy products have been analyzed here, as well as the promising development perspectives of the third, fourth and fifth groups of these products; the feasibility of development of scientific and practical basis of technologies of new bifidus containing fermented milk drinks of the third group of milk-cereal based drinks was proved here, using the direct introduction of bacterial concentrates of monocultures or mixed cultures of milk adapted bifidobacteria for biotechnological processing of combined raw materials; the innovative technology of bifidus containing combined fermented milk drinks was developed and its description was given; this paper outlines the prospects of manufacturing application of the developed technology.


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