black tea, green tea, model solutions, technological water, indicators of qualityAbstract
The purpose of the scientific research, the results of which are given in the article, is development of requirements for the quality of technological water, which is used for preparation of tea drinks in establishments of restaurant industry. The object of research in the work is regularities of tea drinks quality changes during their preparation depending on a chemical composition of technological water.
The group of substances, dissolved in the technological water, and dissolved extractive materials of raw tea, from which quality of the drinks and their functional properties depends, have been defined as a result of scientific research work. Influence of concentration of dissolved substances of technological water on chemical and organoleptic indicators of tea drinks has also been studied. As a result of mathematical processing of experimental data the system of regression equations has been received. It allows to define the content of drinks prepared of raw tea. The content consists of polyphenolic substances, vitamin C, caffeine and organoleptic indicators depending on concentration of total hardness salts, total ferro, copper, free residual chlorine. It also allows to define the value of indicator of permanganate oxidability and dry residue in the technological water, used for their preparation. The main result of the work are requirements for the quality of technological water, used for preparation of drinks on the basis of raw tea in establishments of restaurant industry.
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