
  • Е. Е. Байрамов



flour, dough, improver, gluten, elasticity, tensility


For steady work bread of baking industry must be decided problem of raw material, quality of that, as a rule, abandons to wish the best. Prosperity and stability in any country are determined by sufficiency of flour and breads of high quality, providing of that in a great deal depends on quality of feedstock and observance of requirements and regulations of production. For providing of stable quality of flour and bread grain conforming to the requirements of standard is needed.

The most thorny problem is that in difficult economic terms producers appeared grains that is unable to provide stable deliveries on the flour-miller enterprises of grain of the required quality and necessary amount.

The effective use of inprovers envisages clear determination of reasons of unsatisfactory quality of flour that must be improved firstly. For this purpose it is necessary to conduct the thorough enough analysis of her features to educe, in which one direction it is necessary to affect her components for the receipt of dough, and to mean breads of normal quality. The second essential moment is determination of optimal dosages of inprovers, because many of them at exceeding of doses can render sharply negative influence on properties of gluten and dough, and in the total on quality of bread. Otherwise speaking, the carefully thought out and strictly specialized use of chemical inprovers, based on the study of features of both object of improvement and inprover, is needed.

Flour acting on bakery enterprises sometimes falls short of to the requirements of standard that from it a gluten and dough turn out with enhanceable elasticity and lowered tensility. In such cases before a technologist there is difficulty on the choice of inprover, that must provide lowering of elasticity and increase of tensility of gluten and dough. Operative events application of that depends on experience of technologist must be undertaken thus. Researches show that presently there are not clear and operative events, modern bakery inprovers providing lowering of elasticity and increase of tensility of gluten and dough only is generalized in that and systematized. All of it requires the study of influence of bakery inprovers on реологические properties, i.e. on elasticity and tensility of gluten and dough, their generalization and systematization, that is very actual.

In the presented work generalized and systematized the feature of influence of wide-spread bakery improvers, lowerings elasticity and step-up tensility of gluten and dough. Results of researches and information, resulted in a table allow technologists after the analysis of flour with lightness to pick up improvers and expose, in which one direction it is necessary to affect its komponenty, and also render on the stage of premix affecting reological properties of gluten and dough in desirable direction, that it is been to provide lowering of elasticity and increase of tensility them depending on properties of flour.


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Технологія і безпека продуктів харчування