
  • О. А. Топчій
  • Є. О. Котляр
  • І. І. Кишенько



mixtures, vitamins, tocopherol, beta-keratin, anti-oxidants, the induction period


An oxidation resistance ability of the plant oil samples namely blended and vitamin fortified was investigate. It has been found that blended oils have similar oxidative stability to the raw plant oils. It was shown that injection of the blends of antioxidant vitamins namely vitamin E and β-carotene can help stabilize an oxidation process and rise an induction period by 1,5-2 times. The chemical and sensory analysis of content of blended and vitamin fortified has been done. The most effective and health useful equilibrium of ω-6 and ω-3 fatty acids in common foods is 10:1 and in the new functional foods it is 5:1. An introduction of vitamin E and β-carotene in blended have a great opportunity to increase physiological value and antioxidant capacity of investigated blended oils.


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Технологія і безпека продуктів харчування