Spectrophotometric and chromatographic determination of synthetic food dye E 110 in the soft drink


  • О. В. Малинка
  • А. В. Егорова
  • А. В. Анельчик
  • В. П. Антонович




synthetic food dye, spectrophotometric method, high performance liquid chromatography


A comparative evaluation of spectrophotometric and high performance liquid chromatography methods for determination of synthetic food dye E110 (sunset yellow FCF) in the soft drink have been carried out. The detection limits for dye E110 are 0,23 μg/ml in the case of spectrophotometric method and 0,18 μg/ml in the case of HPLC method. Comparison of linearity, the detection limits, the standard deviations (the F-test, n = 6, P =0.95), the relative standard deviations showed a satisfactory agreement between the results obtained by two different techniques. To determine synthetic food dye E110 in the beverages recommended a simple and an express spectrophotometric method


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