Modeling of process water crystallization in an ultrasonic field


  • О. Г. Бурдо
  • Ф. А. Трішин
  • О. Р. Трач



water, modeling, energy efficiency, block freezing, acoustic intensifiers


The article is headlined to prospects of low-temperature water treatment technologies. It describes the available scientific and technical contradictions and the mathematical formulation of the problem. The principle of the block freezing eliminates cold losses that are characteristic of traditional cryoconcentration systems. Further studies are aimed at intensification of mass transfer processes during the formation of ice. For two-phase systems "ice - solution" possibility of a general mathematical description of crystallization from solution are currently questionable. Therefore, in modeling of this problem it is advisable to use the maximum approaches which are known in the analysis of two-phase flow in the absence of external influences, but also the research on the heat transfer intensification by means of various fields. It is shown that the time taken to process water treatment, decreases when exposed to water-crystal system of acoustic fields and discussed mathematical models of such influence. The problem was analyzed by using the theory of generalized variables.


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