
  • Г. В. Шлапак



антианемическое действие, боенская кров, виноградные выжимки, гемоглобин


Iron deficiency anemia is one of the most common types of diseases, including in Ukraine and worldwide. To solve this problem, dosage forms of iron supplementation are used, as well as iron-riched foods.

The main source of easily digestible iron is hemoglobin, contained in the blood of slaughtered animals. The main objective of obtaining additives of antianemic orientation – is preservation of iron in the divalent form, available for assimilation.

In this paper we propose a new approach of hemoglobin stabilization, by forming complexes with polyphenolic substances of grape marc. It is implemented in developed technologies of two kinds of additives - "Gemovin" and "Biogem". Obligatory stage of these technologies are science-based storage terms, which are the subject of these studies. The main attention is paid to the study of conservation of mobile iron in the divalent form, as well as changes in the microflora and organoleptic characteristics. Comprehensive research has allowed to determine the optimal storage terms of the "Biogem" additive in the dry state - 12 months; "Gemovin" in refrigerated paste form - 5 days, and in frozen - 15 days.


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Нутриціологія, дієтологія, проблеми харчування