
  • Т. Є. Лебеденко
  • В. О. Кожевнікова
  • Н. Ю. Соколова



yeast activation, rose hips, haw, phyto-additives, extract, dough-making intensification, accelerated technologies


The analysis of relevant tasks and problems of baking industry and main ways of solving them was conducted. The potential of phyto-additive usage in baking was substantiated, and rose hips and haw berries were chosen as promising for application considering their chemical composition. The effect of their water and whey extracts in different dosages on fermentative processes of semi-products was examined. The positive impact of extracts on technological properties of yeast, the rate of its biomass accumulation, and gas production intensity of baking semi-products was determined. The methods of nutrient medium preparation for yeast activation according to known technologies and using phyto-additive extracts were studied; their conformance to requirements of fermentative microflora by the content of nutritive, biogenic, oligobiogenic substances and some biostimulants was evaluated. The processes of yeast cell adaptation to anaerobic conditions of flour medium as well as accumulation and assimilation of water soluble nitrogen and reducing sugars were studied. The effectiveness of using hip and haw extracts in order to create more favorable conditions for yeast development and fermentative activity, intensification of semi-product fermentation that would be a positive factor in increasing process profitability and improving quality of bread products in accelerated technologies was noted.


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Біопроцеси, біотехнологія харчових продуктів, БАР