
  • О. П. Прісс
  • В. Ф. Жукова



tomato, pepper, storage, quality, weight loss, extract, horseradish root


The influence of tomato and pepper storage under exogenous extracts of horseradish root. Effect of aqueous extracts of horseradish roots leads to inhibition of the growth of bacteria and fungi, as well as inhibition sporification in fungi, that  indicating the bactericidal, fungicidal and bacteriostatic effect of the extract. In addition, the aqueous extracts of the root of horseradish contain biologically active substances that show antioxidant activity. The identified polynomial feature of the reduction of the biologically active substance concentration. An average weight loss per day during use of horseradish root extract is reduced in 1.15 ... 1.36 times for tomatoes and in 1.12 ... 1.13 times for peppers. Тwo-factor dependency analysis of the average daily weight loss of the hybrid pepper and options for handling shows that under significant influence of varietal specificity, the biggest influence on the weight loss is the use of horseradish extracts. To enhance the standard products optimal horseradish extract in the ratio of raw and extractant is 1:2. The use of this extract allows to extend the storage term of tomatoes for 15 days, pepper - 4 days without reducing of standard products.


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