
  • М. Є. Сердюк
  • С. С. Байбєрова




apples, oxidative stress, adoption, malondialdehyde, sugars, acids, phenolics, ascorbic acid, superoxide dismutase, peroxidase


The study has been done with the goal to investigate the regularity of antioxidant defense system functioning and establish the main determining factor in the development of stress tolerance of apple fruit. The objects of the study were the apple fruits of four varieties: Idared, Holden Delicious, Reinette Simirenko, Florina. As a result it was found out that under the influence of stressful weather factors the development of oxidative stress can be observed in apple fruits, which is evidenced by a significant increase in malondialdehyde content. The main factor in stressful weather conditions in South steppe subzone Ukraine is the average amount of active temperatures. The adaptive response of the fruits was the stimulation of their antioxidant defense system, which is revealed by increasing the level of endogenous phenolic compounds, sugars, SOD and peroxidise. The calculated priorities vectors indicate that the dominant role in the protective response of fruit apple varieties ReinetteSimirenko and Golden Delicious to the oxidative stress belongs to phenolic substances. In Florina and Idared apples the influence of antioxidant enzymes such as SOD and peroxidise is crucial.


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