
  • C. А. Бажай-Жежерун



corn of wheat, sprouting, vitamins, health-improvement products, nutritional value, indexes of quality


The effect of various concentrations of aqueous infusions of garlic and onion to energy change and ability of corn seed sprouting has been studied. It has been determined that optimum infusions concentration is 15 – 20 g/dm3.

It has been found out that hydrothermal processing, which includes corn seeds germination with application of garlic and onion infusions, greatly increases the content of the vitamins group B, vitamins E and C as compared to the content in the seeds, germinated in water.

Technology of health promoting products “Zerniatko Pikantne” with garlic and onion infusions has been developed. The unit consumption of raw materials and other materials during products “Zerniatko Pikantne” manufacture has been calculated. Organoleptic indicators, as well as basic indicators of nutritive and biological values of products have been determined.

Thermal modes of product “Zerniatko Pikantne” processing have been offered and grounded, guaranteed shelf life has been determined.


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Нутриціологія, дієтологія, проблеми харчування