
  • Л. С. Гураль



revitalizing food products, functional ingredient, antioxidants, grape anthocyans, biological polymers, gum-arabic, complexing


There was performed a research of complexing of anthocyans of red grape variety with gum-arabic – the polymer of natural origin, which contains polysaccharide and protein components. It was determined that the highest binding rate of anthocyans with polymer matrix takes place when 0,1 % aqueous solutions of this ingredients are mixed in volumetric proportions of 1:1 at a temperature of 40-45 °С. Formation of reaction product of anthocyans’ pigments with gum-arabic is proved by using the methods of gel-chromatography, UV and IR spectroscopy. According to the data of differential IR spectroscopy the formation of stable complex is provided by means of hydrogen bonds between oxygen-containing functional groups of interacting ingredients. pH- and heat stability of anthocyans grows as a result of complexing. Their antioxidant status in complex of anthocyans + gum-arabic increases in comparison with free anthocyans at 11,0 %. The received complex is a highly active physiologically functional food ingredient.


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