
  • Г. Є. Поліщук
  • С. В. Іванов
  • Н. М. Бреус



Parole chiave:

ice-cream, chemical composition, optimization


The systems analysis of the regularity of ice-cream structure formation and stabilization with the different chemical composition regarding the fat content ranging 0‒20 %, dry skimmed milk residue ‒ 6‒14 %, sugar ‒ 12‒20 %, stabilizing system ‒ 0,2‒1,0 % has been conducted. The overrun changes, the air inclusion sizes as well as the ice-cream thawing resistance under the different ratio of the above-mentioned components have been investigated. The multifactorial mathematical models which properly describe the dependence of the overrun, mean diameter of the air bubbles and thawing resistance on the ice-cream chemical composition have been got by using the mathematical packet MathCAD 15. For a more thorough study of separate components influence on ice-cream physical and chemical characteristics, two dimensional regression models which describe the changes of the overrun and the air bubble mean diameter under the variability of two independent factors («MSNF/stabilizing system», «fat/sugar») have been developed . This study shows that it is much more complicated to reach the balance between the constituent components for the ice-cream with low content of fat and non-fat one. The recommendations on how to create the recipe of the ice-cream with low content of fat and non-fat one have been elaborated.

Riferimenti bibliografici

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