Investigation of antioxidant properties of rape pressing oil


  • В. В. Манк
  • Т. Т. Носенко
  • Т. А. Волощенко


Parole chiave:

прессовое рапсовое масло, антиоксиданты, окисление, пероксиды, индукционный период, срок хранения


Rape is a one of the most important and perspective plant for oil world production, and rape oil has a high biological value due to high ratio of ω-3: ω-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids. Quality parameters of rape oil obtained by cold pressing from rape seeds of spring and winter varieties have been analyzed in this work. It was shown that rape oils obtained by cold pressing had low content of free fatty acids and unessential content of peroxide substances. The induction period and antioxidant concentration in oils from spring and winter varieties have been also studied in this work.  The data obtained have shown that antioxidant stability of winter rape oil obtained by cold pressing was slightly higher than  stability of spring rape oil. 

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